#97: Dr. Nichola Conlon PhD - Slowing Down Aging & Increasing Lifespan Through NAD
Dec 14, 2021
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If you could stop aging and possibly reverse it, would you?
To grow old is widely accepted as normal, we have seen our parents and grandparents grow old, so we assumed that was the natural order of things, but new research is forcing us to look at aging as a disease that needs treatment. Before you get all defensive about the natural order of things, I would like to introduce you to my guest on this episode of Growth Island Dr. Nichola Conlon.
Dr. Conlon has a PhD in molecular biology at the Epithelial Research Group at Newcastle University, she is the founder of Nuchido a supplement company with the aim to translate the latest scientific advances in ageing research into consumer products that slow, and even reverse, the signs and processes of ageing.
Over recent years, rejuvenation has been scientifically proven, but the pace of these discoveries is far ahead of public awareness. Nuchido’s mission is to bring to market science-based anti-ageing products that really work. Their products focus on promoting 'healthspan' - the proportion of a person's life that is lived in good health.
In this episode we discuss:
👉 Why Dr. Conlon does what she does in the sphere of ageing
👉 The growth of the longevity industry
👉 What is Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and its effects
👉 The difference between NAD+ and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) + hydrogen (H) (NADH)
👉 How NAD works in the body
👉 Natural ways of boosting NAD
👉 Dr. Conlon’s company Nuchido
👉 The studies backing Dr. Conlon’s work
👉 How often does one need to take NAD treatments and when is the right time to start
👉 The current obstacles faced by the industry
👉 What is the driving factor behind the cost of NAD treatment
If you are looking to increase your longevity and have a more optimal healthy lifespan, then you need to listen to this episode and share it with your friends and family.
0:59 Nichola’s curiosity into ageing
5:00 The growth of the industry over the years
6:46 What is NAD and its effects
12:03 The difference between NAD+ and NADH
13:28 How NAD works and how to boost it
21:45 Natural ways to boost NAD
24:30 Nichola’s company and their supplement
27:28 The studies backing Nichola’s work and current research
30:05 How often do you use NAD treatments and when to start
35 The difficulties faced by the industry currently
39:41 What drives the cost of NAD
44:45 Where you can find Nichola Conlon
Connect with Dr. Nichola Conlon
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nichola-conlon/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drnicholaconlon/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drnicholaconlon
Use code GROWTHISLAND and get 10% off on your first order with nuchido
Website: https://nuchido.co.uk/
Company Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nuchido/
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