#77: Eric Edmeades - Business freedom and what's standing in your way
Jun 09, 2021
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How do you build a company that gives you financial freedom and the possibility to travel while impacting millions of people positively?
I think this is a question many people have asked themselves :) However, many entrepreneurs end up feeling trapped in their own business and without the opportunity to really experience the freedom for which they started the company to get.
To help find a better route I got one of the most successful serial entrepreneurs Eric Edmeades on the show. He is one of the top names globally when it comes to health (just Google Wildfit) and helps entrepreneurs actually get the freedom they desire.
In this episode Eric and I discuss:
- Concrete steps to creating freedom through business
- How to hire the right people
- Mental blockers for success
2:02 - Eric shares his journey
3:15 - Importance of fun in what you do and an advice that changed Eric’s life
6:42 - Taking care of your financial life so that you are not a slave to money
9:37 - What is business freedom and the 2 addictions to break in attaining it
14:33 - How to find good talent and develop them
22:33 - Eric breaks down interviews
23:52 - How to hire the right people & how to approach firing people in the most humane way
29:50 - Creating & developing procedural systems that are outside your scope of expertise
31:28 - Eric’s mantra to optimal energy
39:27 - Where to find out more about Eric
42:25 - Eric’s advice for life
Connect with Eric Edmeades
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericedmeades/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericedmeades/
Business Freedom Academy: http://www.businessfreedom.com/
WildFit: http://www.getwildfit.com/
Speaker Nation: https://www.speakernation.com/
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